McDonald Home Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Sarasota’

Tips for Commercial HVAC Maintenance

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Having a commercial HVAC system is crucial to maintaining a comfortable environment at your business location. Team members and customers expect to be cool and comfortable during summer and warm in the winter. There are some steps that you can take to care for your HVAC system and ensure it is always working at its best. 

You can keep reading to learn more about our tips for how you can care for your commercial HVAC system on a regular basis. If you ever do need professional care, you can give our team a call for your commercial HVAC maintenance in Sarasota and we will be there to help.

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Tips for Summer AC Maintenance

Monday, July 1st, 2024

If you are looking for ways to keep your air conditioner well-maintained over the summer season, we have some tips to help with just that. After all, summer AC maintenance in Sarasota can help boost energy efficiency and extend the expected lifespan of your unit.

You can keep reading to learn about our recommendations for regular air conditioning maintenance, especially for the hot summer season. If you have any questions, you can always give us a call and we would be glad to offer guidance. 

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When Is it Time to Schedule Septic Tank Cleaning?

Monday, June 17th, 2024

If you have a septic tank, you probably already know that it needs to be cleaned out eventually. After all, waste that goes into your septic tank has nowhere else to go since you are not connected to a main sewer line. 

You can keep reading to learn about the common signs that indicate it’s time for your septic tank to get cleaned out professionally. This can prevent major problems like sewage backing up into your home. Then give our team a call to schedule your septic tank cleaning in Sarasota.

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Is It Time for a Commercial AC Upgrade?

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Your commercial air conditioner likely consists of multiple units all connected together for cooling your larger space. How do you know when it’s time to replace one or all of your commercial units? Staying on top of air conditioner repair and replacement needs is paramount to you keeping comfort inside of your business a priority.

You can give us a call anytime you need service for your commercial air conditioning in Sarasota. You can also call us with questions or concerns anytime you suspect that something is going on that needs to be addressed. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about some key signs that one or all of your commercial ACs need to be upgraded to newer models.

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Symptoms of Mold Growth in Your AC

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Mold growth is dangerous for your home and your family. Sometimes mold growth is easy to identify because you can see it. But other times, mold can grow in dark, hidden spaces, like the inside of your air conditioner.

When this happens, mold is more difficult to identify. You can keep reading to learn more about some of the signs that can indicate mold growth, even if you don’t see an infestation in obvious places. Then, give our team a call to schedule an air conditioning service in Sarasota to stay ahead of a mold problem before it spreads further around your home.

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5 Extremely Common AC Problems

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

Some air conditioner problems are very common. In fact, they are common enough that you shouldn’t be too concerned when these problems pop up inside your air conditioner. They’re usually very easy to fix when they are caught and addressed quickly.

Maybe you’ve been wondering, what is the most common AC repair? We are highlighting five of them. Keep reading to learn more about five common AC repairs and what they mean. Then give our team a call to schedule your AC service.

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Does a High SEER2 Rating Matter?

Monday, April 8th, 2024

When it’s time to install a new central air conditioner in your home, you may be wondering about those SEER2 ratings assigned to AC units. Does it really matter if you go with the baseline efficiency standard or invest in a high-efficiency unit?

The short answer is yes. A high-efficiency air conditioner can go a long way toward saving you money on your monthly energy costs. You can give our team a call to schedule your in-home assessment and learn about Sarasota air conditioning financing. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the SEER2 rating system and why it matters.

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Is Your Septic Tank Too Full?

Monday, February 26th, 2024

When you have a septic tank, you want to stay ahead of it filling up and causing backups in your yard and home. But how do you know if your septic tank is getting too full? Usually there are early signs that can indicate your septic tank is filling up before it overflows.

You can keep reading to learn more about some of the signs that your septic tank is filling up. If you notice any or all of these signs, you need to give our team a call to schedule an appointment for septic tank pumping in Sarasota. It’s better to tackle this problem proactively than to put off service and later need to schedule an emergency appointment.

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How Do I Know When My Septic Tank Needs Servicing?

Monday, February 12th, 2024

If you have a septic tank, it needs to be pumped once every three to five years to prevent problems. This frequency can greatly depend on the size of the tank itself, the size of your family, and how much water you use. Once you reach that three-year mark, it’s time to begin planning for a service appointment.

Our team can help with all of your plumbing needs, including septic tank pumping in Sarasota. Of all plumbing services, this is definitely one you want to stay ahead of. Postponing septic tank service can lead to major plumbing problems. Keep reading to learn more about how to know if it’s time to schedule septic tank service for your home. 

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How Drain Cleaning Prevents Catastrophic Problems Down the Line

Monday, January 15th, 2024

Cleaning out your drains isn’t just a good idea–it’s imperative to your plumbing system’s health and longevity. You might be thinking that a dirty pipe couldn’t possibly cause problems, but that’s not the case.

We perform drain cleaning in Sarasota, FL for homeowners who understand its importance at preventing the exact problems we’re going to talk about today.

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