McDonald Home Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Filters’

Keep Your Furnace Efficient, Replace Your Filter!

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

Usually, when we write about furnace filters, there are two kinds of people we’re writing to. The first is the slightly annoyed furnace owners in our area that exclaim “oh no, I totally forgot to replace the filter,” and they close out the tab.

The second kind of customer that we’d like to reach when we talk about furnace filters are the people who say, “What? My furnace has a filter?”

So, for all you homeowners out there that didn’t even know your furnace had a filter to be replaced, there’s no need to feel guilty. A lot of amateur HVAC technicians don’t even tell their customers about the filter and this is one of those things that separates our team from the rest. We’re invested in the life of your heater, while we help you avoid heating repair in Sarasota, FL for as long as possible.

So, let’s start with step one!

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